Find cheap flights with Air Algerie

Top Air Algerie routes

Book now before it's too late

30 Dec - 03 Jan Dubai Nouakchott
4581AED 4574AED
Prime price per passenger
26 Dec - 02 Jan Dubai Algiers
2789AED 2615AED
Prime price per passenger
26 Dec - 29 Dec Algiers Jijel
-13 %
149AED 129AED
Prime price per passenger
05 Jan - 09 Jan Marseille Annaba
873AED 823AED
Prime price per passenger
05 Jan - 09 Jan Algiers Annaba
286AED 274AED
Prime price per passenger
05 Jan Dubai Algiers
6780AED 6586AED
Prime price per passenger

Booking your flight with Air Algerie

How to save money with Opodo UAE

Want to fly with Air Algerie? Using Opodo's flight search engine, you can easily plan all the details of your trip. Find the best prices and deals using our website or App. Enter your origin and destination, your preferred flying dates and you're done! We'll calculate the best offers Air Algerie has available, while you can filter by number of stopovers, airports and preferred times for departure and arrival.

Air Algerie has a host of destinations to choose from. Feel like getting away for the weekend? Or maybe a family trip? A week off with your friend or a company retreat? Opodo UAE caters to any travel needs you might have. Additionally, you can subscribe to our newsletter or download the App to get exclusive flight deals and discounts.

For travel in the United Arab Emirates or abroad, Opodo is your one-stop travel shop. Using our service, you can find the best flight deals for your trip with Air Algerie. Saving money with travel has never been easier, simply input your travel information and we'll handle the rest; leaving you more time to plan your holiday and enjoy a stress-free booking service.

Want to save even more money booking with Air Algerie? By booking your flight and adding a hotel or a car rental to your booking you can enjoy special package discounts and offers. Flight and hotel deals are the best way to save on your accomodation, this feature will allow to save on time and money during your booking process. We're happy to have you along, come fly with us!

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