Discover the best airlines

List of airlines

Airline information

At Opodo we sell airline tickets to all corners of the world, from more than 200 airlines. You can even search for all the combinations that you can think of of trips, returns, and multiple stops, to get the best combination of itinerary and price for your trip.

Now, if you are interested in planning your trip with a specific airline, this is your page. Here you will find a list with hundreds of the best airlines, with which you can book your ticket. Whether for a simple nearby getaway, or for a single long-distance adventure.

You just have to click on the airline you have in mind, to discover all the information you need about it: luggage, services to board or information about check-in, but also the best deals and cheap flights of the airline, as well as a lot of opinions and ratings from users. Decide and plan your trip without fear of making mistakes and ...

Happy flying!